6. Gdańsk Maraton – entry fee procedure
Due to coronavirus outbreak, 6. Gdańsk Maraton has been postponed till 17-18 of April 2021. The procedure of entry fee return has been launched. All the runners has two available options to choose from.
All entry fees has been automatically moved for the next year competition. It means that if you are willing to start in 6. Gdańsk Marathon, or any other accopanying run like „Gdańsk na piątkę” or kids races, you don’t have to do anything. You are already on the starting list.
Howerer, if you want to get back your entry fee, you have to send an e-mail on adress zwroty@gdanskmaraton.pl. In the title participant wrote his or her name and surname.
In the e-mail participant write:
- name and surname, date of birth
- “I am asking for the return of entry fee for: 6. Gdańsk Maraton / Kids Race / Gdańsk na piątkę” (here participant pick the competition he or she entered)
At the same time we have already opened registration for the next year’s 6. Gdańsk Maraton. The entry fee is:
Till 31.01.2021 – 109 złotych
01.02.2021 – 28.02.2021 – 129 złotych
01.03.2021 – 31.03.2021 – 159 złotych
It means that all entry fees from this year, higher than 109 złotych will be automatically returned!
The entry fee for kids races remains unchanged.